Tax Strategy

Group Tax Policies:

According to the Reservation Center, the health of its business is directly linked to the health of the society in which it works. It is believed that businesses that operate in a society should contribute to the society's most important institutions. The company is committed to these following things:

  • Following all the laws, rules, and regulations that apply to its tax activities in any tax jurisdiction it may work in.
  • Keeping an open, honest, and helpful relationship with tax officials based on trust and honesty.
  • Taking extra care and attention when handling tax risks and making sure that processes and leadership are right.
  • Making sure that the tax plan fits with the overall group strategy.
  • Even though the group may use legal tax breaks and benefits to lower their taxes, they will not do so in a way that goes against what the law says.

Planning Tax:

Reservation Center believes that it should pay all the taxes that are properly due in any tax jurisdiction where it does business. It may think about its own business needs, but those needs will not be more important than all laws and rules that apply. We have always said we won't be involved with tax planning schemes that aren't real, are hard to understand, or are meant to trick people. In particular, any act will not be changed just for tax reasons, even if they make sense from a business point of view. It doesn't use any low-tax regimes overseas to lower its taxes.

When internal resources aren't sure about tax issues or they don't have the depth knowledge, they will ask for help from experts outside the company.

Management of Risk:

Each tax risk is looked at individually so that well reasoned decisions can be made about how to handle each one. If there is any doubt about how to apply a certain tax rule, External experts are asked for their opinion and views. At the director level, all tax problems are dealt with, and at the board level, important issues are dealt with.

Here are the things that are thought about when looking at tax risk and making a choice.

  • What the directors and employees are legally and morally obligated to do
  • Maintaining Reservation Center's business image.
  • The financial effect on the Reservation Center's results and duties of management of the shareholders.
  • How it will affect your relationship with the Tax Authorities.

Overseas Tax Authorities and HMRC Dealings:

Reservation Center is committed to transparent relation with the tax officials with reference to:

  • Accurate fair
  • timely returns
  • Collaborative open discussions of tax issues which may arise
  • Resolving any disagreement as soon as possible.
  • If no agreement can be made regarding the problem, we will follow the relevant laws.